Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 92

My husband told me a story this evening about how some scientists found a cave recently deep in the ocean. They pumped all of the water out of the cave so that they could study the inside. It was about 150 degrees in there ( close to the lava core of the earth I guess!), so they had to wear special suits and couldn't stay inside very long.

What they discovered were enormous crystals everywhere, taller than the average human. One of the first things they did was drill into the crystal to determine how old it was.

It was 500 million years old.

Holy. Cow. 

The Earth is freaking ancient. It's almost surreal really- I mean, can you even begin to imagine what it was like back then? When I think of old I imagine Little House on the Prarie or ancient Egypt. And in reality the time from then till now is just a drop in the bucket!

I have always found nature to be amazing- plants and animals, weather, geology, or even the ocean. I mean, who hasn't stood on a beach at some point of your life and just been overwhelmed by the sheer size and power of it!

I found a tiny example of a natural wonder today. Poking through the gloomy drizzle, my first bulb has bloomed. Upon closer examination, I was struck by the intricacy of detail on this one flower- more beautiful than anything man made, that's for sure.

Today's pic represents the majesty of our planet and it's natural wonders- whether it's a cave full of 500 million year-old crystals or a flower blooming for the very first time.

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