Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 170

Throughout my entire life, I have found that I like to help people. I know that may sound a bit silly, but it is in truth a large part of the core that makes up who I am. It describes how I am as a mother, a wife, a nurse, and a friend.

I don't know a stranger. That drives my husband crazy. But my ability to go from complete stranger to confidant and/or friend has allowed me to gain trust from thousands of patients in the worst of times, as well as meet some amazing people I would have otherwise not had the pleasure to encounter. When we flew to Disney World, I became quick friends with an amazing young woman who was both leaving home and flying for the first time. She was in college and studying physical education, and was also training to be a body builder. She was using her spring break to fly to Florida and train with someone famous in the body building arena. Her tearful mother and I talked a bit at the gate before we took off, and I promised I would keep an eye on her as long as I could. We talked the whole way- well, mostly she talked. I think she was pretty nervous about her new adventure and was more than willing to share her story...and I soon discovered she was mostly deaf and had a dream to help other young people with disabilities be healthy and fit and use exercise as a positive outlet and confidence booster,  and the gym as a safe place.

Wow. When I was her age I was drinking beer.

Another plane ride was on the way home from Florida, this time early the morning after a wedding. I was....well, lets face it. I was hung over as hell. And definately not in the mood to chat. But karma found me, and I was placed next to a very interesting gentleman in his upper 50's who was extremely well traveled. He had wonderful stories about so many places and things, as well as advice on both travel and life. I sipped ginger ale and nibbled crackers while he described the differences between cruise lines and what is the best way to travel through Europe so you can see everything there is to offer. Ironically, he had never been to Dayton before, and I was able to provide him with a (short) list of must-see places and restaurants. He wrote them down on his cocktail napkin provided by the stewardess, and thanked me for making his flight more pleasant than most.

I was just glad I hadn't thrown up on him to be honest.

Today I got a text from a friend that I have grown closer to over the last year or so. She reads my blog regularly, and we usually text or talk at least once per day. She's done some amazing things lately to change her overall lifestyle and be healthier, and I've been so happy for her and the success that she's having. We've talked a lot about eating habits, body image and  realistic expectations, goal setting, exercise, and of course...our husbands.

So how do you help motivate a friend? Panties, of course.

Yes, panties. We had a discussion one evening about underwear (adult beverages may have been involved...), and I admitted that I am a very boring panty-wearer. In fact, calling them panties is a stretch. I wear underwear. I've just never felt comfortable in anything that threatens to stay in my crack- it's distracting.

But I promised my friend that when she hits her next weight goal- we are going panty shopping together. New sexy underwear for her smaller booty,-and something besides "underwear" for me.

I got a text from this friend today that just made my day. She took time out of her day (her BIRTHDAY no less) to send me a note telling me she appreciates me as a friend. I don't think we do that enough these days. I know I don't. It's so easy to take your family and/or friends for granted. They aren't looking or expecting praise or thanks. But when you give it, you can truly make someone's day.

Today's pic represents friendship and the power of a simple thank you. So take a moment the next day or two and tell someone you care about that you appreciate them. Chances are, it will make both of your days. But I don't suggest you go panty shopping with them unless you have that kind of relationship :).

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