Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 241

It's feeling more and more like fall. The air was a little cooler this morning when I went to work. The kids are back in school. There are pumpkins in the aisle at the grocery. 

And college football has started.

Our house has always been more of a college household than NFL. The 11-year old does love the Packers though, so we try and watch those games as well.

Some people have heard the term "I'm a golf widow". Well, I tend to tweak that saying- "I'm a football widow". Cuz let me tell you, the Honey Do list stands still at our house when there is a pigskin game going on.

I'm not really complaining. I like to watch football too, and it's something we enjoy doing as a family. Plus, the ability to DVR games has allowed us to still go out in the world on the weekend without fear of missing the best play of the week.

I can lay here in bed and hear the high school football game going on. Tomorrow  my husband's Fighting Irish take the field. And the 11-year old has football both Sunday  and Monday. So my weekend will be full of first downs and half time shows. Good thing I do like football- otherwise I would be miserable !

Today's pic celebrates the beginning of football season. Wear your team colors proudly and bring on the wings and beer!

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