Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 258

I love little kids.

I love that they have no biases, no cultural or race issues. They don't even care if you wear a Michigan football jersey.

I love that they can make a friend in less than 5 minutes with 3 simple words- "You wanna play?".

I watched these boys play behind the bleachers at the 11-year old's last football game. Some were from "our side" and some were from "theirs". But sides didn't matter, as long as there was a common goal. They ran back and forth, throwing the football to each other with as much enthusiasm as the quarterback of an NFL team. Maybe more.

Eventually, one of the dads joined in and played quarterback, seeing as how the average kid could only wing it about 10 yards....they ran and caught for what seemed like forever, oblivious to the "real" game being played by their older brothers.

Afterwards, they all went their separate ways. They will probably never see each other again, but that's okay. You don't have to be best friends to work together.

Tonight's pic celebrates a child's innocence and ability to befriend a stranger. In a good way- not the take-candy-from-a-stranger way... Maybe we should be more like them at times. We may find that the person with a Michigan jersey, or that works in the "other" ICU, or wears different clothes than you is someone you could easily work with, hang out with, or just have the pleasure of knowing for a short period of time before going on your way.

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