Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 342

I have a new thing.

A few weeks ago, one of the women my husband works with texted me about a class she was giving on essential oils, and wanted to know if I wanted to come. She said we would be making Multi-purpose cleaner and baby wipes.

I don't know anything about oils, but was interested in a possible multi-purpose cleaner that didn't include chemicals and actually worked. I have tried "all natural"cleaners, but they stink. Literally.  I have tried vinegar as well, but it....well, it stinks too. So off I went to the firehouse to learn about how to make my house clean and non-stinky.

And boy did I learn. I was a bit shocked that as a nurse for so many years, I had not done more learning in this arena before. Oils have been a part of medicine for thousands of years, and were relied upon heavily before Pharma came to town.

Now don't get me wrong. Pharma has it's place and our world is a better place because of the amazing advances we have made throughout the years. And if you are really sick, don't be silly- you should go see the doctor. But oils are what I consider a great way for East to meet West. Used topically, internally, or through aromatherapy, essential oils can be used both prophylactically to promote good health and to help as an adjunct therapy for both acute and chronic conditions.

Plus, if I can make cleaners that my family can use instead of chemicals, what's the harm in that? And it's actually cheaper in the long run- a bottle of cleaner concentrate is only about $13 and you only use 3 Tablespoons per spray bottle. I pay at least $3-4 per bottle at the grocery, especially if I get the all natural stinky stuff. Do you use a vaporizer for your kids at night to ward off congestion? Those Vicks vaporub disks are WAY more expensive that a few drops of oil in a diffuser that does just as well.

The multipurpose cleaner is awesome, to the point where I probably use it more than I need to just because it makes everything smell so good and look so clean. And although there are no longer babies in my house, the wipes are great for...freshening up.

We just had another class where we made "Stuffy nose rolls" and bath fizzies. The nose roll is a combination of oils that are put in a little vial with a rollerball. Then, you simply roll it along your sinuses and forehead when you are feeling stuffed up. How great is that? And the smell is amazing.

Bath fizzies were nothing more than baking soda and water, with some oil mixed in. You could probably put any kind of oil you want in it, but we again focused on one to help with sinuses. I used one in my shower tonight- I just put it on the floor and it dissolved while I washed away the day. It was yummy.

Tonight's picture represents the excitement of learning something new to help you and your family live a healthier lifestyle. My husband called this morning and said that my friend who introduced me to oils had given him some stuff to relay on to me.

"She gave me a mason jar of something....this isn't breast milk is it?"

No honey. It's laundry detergent.

Tonight's picture represents learning something new and fun that has the benefit of complimenting a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that oregano essential oil is 9 times more powerful than Penicillin? There are actually hospitals in this country that are trialing diffusing oils through their air duct system to cut down on viruses and bacteria like the flu and  MRSA, since oils can penetrate bacteria and viruses. Plus they smell good, so what can it hurt, right?

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