Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16

A couple of years ago, my son got invited to go to the Lego store in Cincinnatti with a friend of his. Now, for any of you that do not have young boys, let me tell you- Legos are the Barbies of boyworld. And I don't mean just to the kids. Both have tons of different types out there with different outfits, accessories, etc. And the majority of kids lose interest in that Lego Set or Barbi well before you feel your $30-40 was well-spent. They then live on a shelf, in a drawer, or possibly in a Mastiff's stomach...

So, I sent my elated son to Cincinatti with $40 in his pocket, knowing that I would be lucky to get back any change.

He arrived home that evening as suspected, with nary a penny to his name. But to my delight and suprise, he produced a small Lego figure from his pocket and presented it to me. "I saw this and thought of you, Mom. So I bought it for you". Looking closer, I realized the minute figurine was a representation of some sort of medical personell. The clothing and apparel were a bit generic- it could have been a doctor, radiology tech, surgery tech, cath lab technician, or any other number of people, but of course my son saw it as a nurse.

The fact that he spent money that could have been used toward a bigger Lego set on me left me a bit gooey, I'll admit. It's one of the smallest gifts I've gotten, and one of the most cherished. It has a place of honor on my desk, right next to my computer screen. That way, I can easily see it, and be reminded that my son loves me and knows even at a young age how much nursing is a part of who I am.

Today's pic depicts a son's love, and how a small gesture of kindness can last a very long time.

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