Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 66

A friend of mine is celebrating her birthday tomorrow night. This friend is very fond of things pink and/or sparkly, so I volunteered to bring Cosmos for all.

Now, I myself am a rum kinda girl. But I will make sacrifices for my BFFs of course. My mother makes a mean Cosmo, so I asked her for an ingredient list and stopped by the liquor store on my way home. I made sure to put away my work badge before going inside, but you could still tell that I had scubs on...what was funny was that there were literally 2 other women in scrubs in the liquor store as well!  I made my way to the cashier with my vodka, Triple Sec, cranberry juice, and limes. Oh- and a Rachel Ray magazine of course.

After getting home, feeding the 10-year old dinner, and playing with the dogs, I was faced with the dilemma of what to do with the rest of my evening. So, like any good friend, I decided that I should try out the Cosmo recipe for tomorrow night. After all- I would hate to serve something that wasn't fabulous to my friends, right? Right....

So it is now 6:27 PM on a Friday evening. I am in my pajamas (I did keep my bra and my tennis shoes on, so techincally I'm not totally in my pajamas. I know- it's a picture) and have a pink drink in a martini glass sitting next to me as I sit at the computer. I haven't decided whether to be thrilled that I have no other obligations other than relaxing and enjoying a quiet night with the 10-year old and my martini glass- or to be horrified that I am possibly turning into Maxine from the Hallmark cards. Oh well- at least I am comfy and safe in my own home with food in my belly (trail mix is food, right?) and an evening of movies with my family on the agenda.


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