Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 69

You know what they say- you covet what you do not have. If you are short, you want to be taller. If you are blonde, you dream of being a redhead. And in my case- I wish for something larger than a "B+" while more endowed women that I know swear it isn't all it's cracked up to be (for the record I have a hard time believing you).

But although I may fit into sports bras better than Victoria's Secret, I do have one thing that others wish they had more of.


 Yup- I admit I am blessed with thick, healthy hair. On top of that, I have a hairdresser that helps me keep up my reputation of lustrous locks by knowing just how to color and layer it to perfection.

Here's the problem. I may have thick, beautiful hair on my head, but holy smokes my head isn't the only place that it grows....All my life I have battled arm hair, 5 o'clock shadow on my legs and armpits, and most of all- fuzzy eyebrows.

Brooke Shields would be jealous of these babies, let me tell ya. Between my light complexion and dark hair, I am constantly chasing stray follicles. And the hair grows so long I have to actually use scissors on them from time to time. I mean seriously- what woman do you know that uses scissors on her eyebrows?! Well, aside from me now I guess. It's just ridiculous.

Some of my friends have tried to get me to have them waxed, but I'm too chicken. My skin blisters and reddens from bandaids or tape- I can't imagine what it would do with wax. All I can think about is that scene from "What a Woman Wants" with Mel Gibson where he decides to wax his legs. So, I doggedly pluck and groom, and yes, trim several times a week in order to not look like an Italian mobster. And in the end, I do at least like how it looks.

I guess it could be worse- at least I don't have to draw my eyebrows on (there are some scary ones out there). I could have hairy ears, or have to pluck my nose hairs. Ouch.

Today's picture represents being ok with who you are- even though I still dream of a C-cup once in awhile :).

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