Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 123

My husband drives a truck. I can still remember when he bought it and brought it home. He was so happy. He kept talking about how "big" everything was on it- the tires, the engine, etc. Finally, I could take it no longer. 

"Honey", I said. You do realize that although your truck is admitedly big, your penis is still the same size, right?".

That shut him up.

And so, the Penismobile was born. It truly is a good truck, and has seen us through bad weather and multiple summers of yard work. 

That being said, I don't drive the Penismobile very often. It's huge, and although I spent five years driving an ambulance, I still hate parking it in parking lots. 

But today, I got to drive it all day long. I had yard work to do, so I asked my husband to drive my Honda to work. And I have to admit- I loved it.

It started at the gym this morning. I don't wear my wedding ring when I swim, and on the way out I picked up a conversation with a guy my age. You know, weather and such. When he saw me click the locks on the truck, his eyes got wide. I just smiled and jumped in, trying to look like I knew what the hell I was doing backing out of the parking space...

Then we went to football practice. The 10-year old came out of the house and exclaimed, " Yes! You have the truck!" I guess my Honda just isn"t as cool or exciting to drive.

After football, the real work began. We went to my parents, where I dug up Hosta and Boxwood to haul back to our house and plant. I let the 10-year old sit in the back while I drove from one end of the property to the other, watching him grin like a kid should on a Saturday afternoon when I would hit a bump or give it a little gas.

I loaded and unloaded plants and dirt all afternoon with that truck. My body is aching, but my yard is coming along. And I definately would not have been able to accomplish as much as I did today with my Honda...

Today's pic represents a man's obsession with trucks and things that are big, and a woman's feeling of satisfaction knowing she worked hard that day. And maybe my husband's on to something- I have to admit that the feel of a Hemi underneath you is...empowering :).

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