Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 146

I enjoyed my day off work today. I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, Tropical Smoothie for lunch, took a family bike ride, watched the 11-year old shoot his air soft gun for the first time, grilled burgers for dinner, and did a ton of yard work.

But several times throughout the day, I paused for a moment to give thanks that I was able to do all of the above.

As I get older, the significance and weight of our country's history bears more of my attention than years past. Having studied sociology and psychology a bit in school, I realize this is a rather normal thing for people my age. 

So as I lay in bed with my IPad, sunburn, full belly, and sore back, I pause one more time to give thanks. To soldiers, yes, but to so many others as well who sacrificed and lost so much so that I could live in a country that isn't perfect, but allows me to pretty much live as I choose. Thank you for going hungry so I could have a belly full of hamburgers and baked beans. Thank you for freezing in the snow so I could get a sunburn in my garden today. Thank you for walking miles and miles through a jungle full of danger so that I could ride a bike with my family today. Thank you using a real gun to do the unthinkable, so that my 11-year old only has to shoot BB's at a target and nothing more. And most of all, thank you for  selfishly giving the ultimate sacrifice, leaving loved ones behind, so that I can sleep in my bed with my husband next to me. Thank you.

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