Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 197

My older two step-kids played baseball and softball throughout their childhood and teenage years. Which means I spent A LOT of time watching baseball and softball. Sometimes they would both be playing on two teams each, meaning anywhere from 4-6 games per day.

It didn't matter that I was the step-mom or that sometimes my husband worked on days they had games, or that I lived 30 minutes away. If I didn't work- I was there, sitting in the bleachers with their mom showing a united front for both of them. In fact, there were many people who thought their mom and I were sisters or such, because it seemed unusual for us to get along so well. My husband admitted it was a little uncomfortable for him the first year or so, but after that it was common to see him sitting between the two of us, all of us catching up on both our own lives and what was going on with the kids between innings.

Our youngest is 10 years younger than his sister, and was born 6 weeks early. I can remember having to leave ball games early because I had to get back to the hospital and feed my baby, only to return for an evening game if one was scheduled. The 11-year old was out at the ball field from Week One, napping under the shade of trees in his stroller, or in the car seat where I had parked strategically to see the field. He spent his toddler years as bat boy for his brother's baseball team and playing with his Tonka Trucks in the sand. And his older brother and sister were so good with him- I can still remember when the oldest won a tournament, he came and picked his little brother up and carried him on his hip as they went out to get their trophies.

Now the oldest two are adults, and the youngest just hasn't shown a solid interest in baseball. Instead, I spend my days in basketball gyms and football fields, not sandy diamonds. And believe it or not, I miss it. I played softball as a young girl and even rec leagues as a young woman, and have always enjoyed watching others play.

So, instead of watching my own kids catch and throw, I get my fix attending games every once in a while of people that I know. I have several friends who are baseball or softball parents, and I like to take an afternoon now and then to go to a ballgame, which is how I got today's pic.

There's just something about the crack of the bat, the excitement of stealing a base, and the umpire hollering "Safe!" that I enjoy. And I have to admit that the stress level is reduced when your kid is not the one out there on the field...

Today' picture represents the all-American pastime, and salutes all parents who have made sacrifices to be sure and not miss a game.

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