Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 330

At seven this morning, I found myself sitting at the kitchen table with my mug of coffee, looking over my To Do list for the day. All in all, it wasn't bad:

- Toast bread
- Cook onions and celery
- Make crab dip
- Shopping (the 11-year old needed khakis and dress shoes)
- Go to Mom's (help her with any prep work)
- Finalize plan for tomorrow's 5K

I lounged around a bit and perused Black Friday ads, but  by 9 AM I had two cookie sheets of homemade bread cut in cubes and toasted on the counter drying. I then brought out my frying pan and stuck an entire stick of butter in it to melt. Wow- I haven't used that much butter in anything since....last Thanksgiving probably. It was yellow and gorgeous as it slowly melted in my pan-be still my beating heart.

Wait. Crap. I didn't mean that!

But Holiday meals are not ones to pull out the margarine tub for. Yes, I try to put more meat and vegetables on my plate than stuffing and mashed potatoes, but then I get to the gravy and....oh hell with it. This is why I exercise, right?

I used more butter with the second round of stuffing prep, then put the onions and celery swimming in their golden bath into the refrigerator- right next to the two pounds of sausage I had cooked up the night before for the cornbread stuffing...

I moved on to artichoke-crab dip, whose first two ingredients are mayonnaise and cream cheese. Yeah, baby. Can't go wrong with that combo. Real mayonnaise (which is a little disgusting when you plop it out of a jar, by the way) and  thick cream cheese joined crab meat, artichokes, and fresh ground Parmesan cheese.

There's lemon zest and green onions in it too though- that's healthy...

Tonight's picture represents cooking with love and butter. Because there are times in life when you just have to cook with the real stuff. I prepared this food with love for my family, and when they moan at how rich and creamy the crab dip is, it will make me happy to know that I have given them a moment of pleasure from something I made from scratch. I may have also given them an increased chance at a heart attack as well, but hey- Thanksgiving is one day in my profession we call "job security".

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