Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 331

I know what you are thinking. Happy Birthday? Don't you mean Happy Thanksgiving?


Today my step-grandpa turned 87. So although we had pumpkin and pecan pie, we also had chocolate birthday cake complete with sparkling candles.

Eighty-seven years is a long time to live. And trust me, this guy isn't slowing down. He still lives in his own home, drives, excercises, goes to church....and has a girlfriend that is much younger than he is.

I asked him what the secret to living 87 years is. He took a minute to think about that, then answered, "A healthy lifestyle, family, I take my medicine like I'm supposed to, and loving God".

Seems simple enough. Until I heard what he does for a "healthy lifestyle". He gets up every morning and rides 5 miles on his stationary bike. Then he lifts weights. Oh, and don't forget the 86 (now 87) push ups and sit-ups that he does.

Every day.

Um...I can't do one push-up, so I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna make it to 50...

Tonight's picture represents a different kind of celebration on Thanksgiving. I love little old men. Just think about everything they have seen in their lifetime. They are like walking history books. Think it's funny that Grandpa will only buy things that are Made in America? Well, Grandpa served in the armed forces and saw things we will never see in order to defend our country. He grew up in an era where patriotism just had a different aura. Think it's cute that Grandpa says he won't shop at Kmart? Well, did you know that he does that because Kmart at one time sponsored a famous golfer who made a racial comment? That doesn't make him cute- it makes him awesome, especially since he grew up during a time when standing up for Equality was unfortunately not the norm. So Happy Birthday Grandpa- may the next year of your life be filled with family, love, God, and...well, push-ups.

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