Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 299

I opened a new package of lip gloss this morning. I love lip gloss, and opening a new package always puts a smile on my face.

But suddenly, my eye caught the warning label on the side of the tube.

Warning label?! Since when did lip gloss need a warning label?!

Warning #1: For external use only.

Really? I mean, I guess it is flavored lip gloss, but I would hope that the average consumer would understand it was for the lips on your face...

Warning #2: Do not ingest

Um...ok. Aside from possibly a curious toddler ( I distinctly remember eating my mother's Clinique lipstick once. It did not taste as good as it looked) I have a hard time thinking someone would think about eating lip gloss.

Warning #3: Do not apply around eyes.

Would the label "LIP" gloss not indicate that the contents were destined for lips, not eyes? Now, I do admit there was a time in the early 1990's when frosted lipstick was really in style, and there were times I put powdered eye shadow on my lipstick to get an even more shimmery effect...

Geesh. I fully realize I only spent $1 on the tube of shiny liquid, but you would think the manufacturer's had very little faith in their consumer base to be able to use and apply their product appropriately. I was now actually a little nervous about using it, what with all the rules to follow and remember...

Today's picture represents silly warnings that have now become a mainstream in a world of lawsuits. From "Careful: coffee is hot" to "do not iron while wearing shirt" ( I swear that one's real. I looked it up), our society is now so over cautious that it's a wonder we know how to function at all. I heard the other day that a school system somewhere was banning swings from their playgrounds, due to injury concerns. They had already removed teeter-totters and monkey throw caution to the wind- go swing on a swing, put on lip gloss, or iron your shirt without reading the warning label first!

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