Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 14

I have always loved animals. The foot of my bed was always filled with stuffed replicas of different shapes and sizes (but lined up according to height and color of course...;)). I had very few pets growing up- a goldfish here and there won at the school fair, and a big white bunny named Marshmallow when I was about 5 or 6. I had, and continue to struggle with, a pretty severe allergy to cats , and our family lifestyle with 2 working parents and active children  just didn't work out to have a dog.

But that didn't stop me from loving them from afar. I filled my need for animal interaction by going to horsebacking riding camp and  "critter camp" every summer, and emjoying the animals at my friends' houses when I would spend the night. I can still remember my high school boyfriend's parents making the comment that they suspected their black lab loved me more than them!

There are so many movies and TV shows that portray animals, especially dogs, as having personalities and the ability to communicate. From Wiley Coyote to Pluto and Goofy, Scooby Doo, Underdog, Astro, Droopy,....the list goes on and on Now, I do have issues with how and why a sponge and a starfish have been able to capture audiences for so many years, but I think I do at least see how dogs have shone in the spotlight. Dogs are expressive and interactive, making it seem perfectly natural to have them actually talk with us. I mean, how many of us can honestly say they haven't caught themselves talking to their dog like they were a human?

There is a secret part of me (well, not so secret anymore, I guess) that still wants to believe in that childish hope that dogs can actually talk. I imagine them acting like the toys in Toy Story, talking and laughing with each other about the silly humans when we aren't around. When the dog in the movie "Up" wore a device that vocalized his thoughts I was thrilled, and the term, "Squirrel!" remains one of my favorites and most used.

I stopped at the store on my way home from work  today, and happened to look over at the truck parked next to me. To my delight, a boxer was perched in the driver's seat, and the expressive facial expressions he went through while looking back at me had me grinning. I actually took several photos of him, each depcting a slightly different slice of personality, but settled on this one. I encourage you to tell me what you think he is thinking, and what words would come out if he had one of those cool little boxes like the dog in "Up". My guess is, "What? Why don't you take a picture? It lasts longer" :).

Today's picture reflects a dog's uncanny ability to make people smile, and the mystery of wondering just what they are thinking behind those cute, expressive faces.

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