Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 28

Starting a new job can be stressful in so many ways. It reminds me of being a kid and starting at a new school. Or moving from elementary school to middle school. Will I get lost? Will I be able to perform at the level they expect? Will I remember all the new rules and expectations? Will I be a good fit with the team?

My job isn't exactly new any more, but I am definitely one of the newer kids on the block. And I have definitely gotten lost. My performance has been ok, with some expected learning curve thrown in. And as I am generally known to be a rule follower, I am doing alright in that area as well.

But am I fitting in with the team? I believe the answer is yes. How do I know that, you ask? Because they locked me in a supply room, of course.

Yes. You read that right. Last week, I was putting away some equipment in our storage room. As I tried to leave the room, I found the door seemed to be stuck and wouldn't open. I started yanking on the door. Hearing a whispering sound, I looked down to see a piece of paper sliding under the door. On it was written, "Ransom $50".

"I totally walked into that" I said to myself, smiling a little. I heard some giggling on the other side of the door, but when I opened it the hallway was magically empty. Walking to the nurses staton, I got some sideways glances and I could tell they were waiting to see how I would react. I smiled and said, " Aw wow. Thanks guys. I'm so excited-Now I feel like I'm really part of the team!" We all burst into giggles.

In our break room, we have a small bulletin board reserved to celebrate staff's birthdays. I hadn't told anyone my birthday was coming (I'm getting to that stage in my life where I don't like to call attention to the fact I am getting older. Gravity does that well enough for me without the announcement...). But someone had figured it out, and since I was the only January birthday on the unit they made  me my own bulletin board.  I know it may seem like a small gesture, but it made me smile and feel welcomed. It meant a lot.

Today's picture is about the happiness that comes from feeling like you are a part of something, and how taking time to celebrate someone else's day can mean so much.

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