Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 23

It's freaking cold outside. I mean to-the-bone- can't-get-my-fingers-warm cold outside. I take a shower at night mostly to just feel warm rather than actually feel clean (and in case you're wondering, not shaving your legs for several days unfortunately does not help you stay warm...).And my 10-year old has been out of school all week because of the frigid temperatures.

Winter. Cold and dark. No wonder people get depressed this time of year! I am reading a book right now by a triathlete coach who swears the only 2 supplements you should take are fish oil and Vitamin D if you live in a cold winter state where you don't get at least 10-15 minutes in the sun per day. That's how important sunshine is. 

I couldn't be a vampire. Aside from the whole blood-drinking/sucking thing, having to live in the dark forever would just be...depressing. Talk about Seasonal Disorder! No wonder they are cranky!

Like many other things, I have taken sunshine for granted- the whole "you don't know what you've got till it's gone" thing. But there is also the phrase- "absence makes the heart grow fonder" , which I found true this evening. As I was walking out of work, the pure fact that the sun was out (and at almost 5PM!) literally made me stop in the hallway. I'm sure I looked ridiculous, standing in the hallway bundled up like the Michelin man, grinning like a fool at the bright yellow dot low in the sky. I wanted to turn to the person next to me and say, "Look! It's the sun! It DOES exist!"

The sun was gone by the time I got home, but that little shot of brightness reminded me that it is staying light just a little bit longer each day. And before I know it, I will be able to grin like a fool at the sun from the outside of work, and not with fear that any important part of my body will freeze and break off. 

So thank you, Mr. Sunshine, for a moment of happiness and hope. Stay warm, my friends!

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