Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 43

Hot caffeine. Java. Go-go juice. Liquid energy. Joe.....Coffee. That amazingly wonderful but necessary start to the day. It comes plain or flavored, caffeinated or decaf (though I never understood why...). People tailor it to their own tastes, adding cream, milk, powder, sugar, or other spices. But in the end, it is not the flavor that people are after- it's the energy boost.

I didn't start drinking coffee until I started living with my husband. And at first, I was a "froo-froo" coffee drinker. Lord knows how many calories I used to put into my body drinking cappuchino from Speedway or caramel macchiatos from Starbucks. But like any true addict, I progressed to needing something stronger and now drink straight coffe with a touch of creamer.

Unless I am having a really rough day or had a really rough night, I keep my consumption to one cup each morning. But that one cup is absolutely necessary. I am....not a morning person. At all. I am foggy-headed, bleary-eyed, and cranky purely because I hate getting out of bed. Especially since it's been so cold outside. Add a touch of Medusa-hair and morning-breath, and I could probably give the girl from Exocist a run for her money.

It's amazing though how that one small cup of liquid can turn me from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. I closed my eyes this morning as I took the first sip, savoring that lovely feeling of the warmth going down my throat. I know it's psychological, but I swear I could almost instantly feel my neurons starting to fire. Even by halfway through the mug, I can tell that my mind and body are truly waking up. This is a good thing, as I am usually using a very hot curling iron to tame Medusa at this point.

I guess there are worse things to be addicted to. Like lists, or sugar, or...crap.

Today's picture represents morning rituals, and the power that 16 oz of brown murky fluid can hold over a human being!

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