Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 55

Community. It's been around since the very first village was formed. The women watched the children while the men went out to hunt. The women of mid evil times watched each other's bastard children while they....worked.....

In today's world, carpooling is the term we most often use. We take turns driving each other's kids around, dropping them off at school or practice. 

But sometimes it's more than carpooling. I've been known to call a girlfriend in a pinch if I have to work a night shift and ask if the 10-year old can spend the night. I've done the same for my friends as well, taking in one or more children for the day or weekend to help lessen a load somewhere else. One of the biggest reasons I used to drive a Minivan was so I could fit all of my kids plus the extras inside one vehicle.

So although I only have one kid left at home, there's always room in the back seat for more. Today's picture represents how it takes a village these days to raise children, and I'm so thankful to have a community of friends and family that I can rely on. A big Thank You to all my "village people"!

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