Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 283

There's just something special about a high school football game.

Tonight was the first one my family has been able to go see this season, and I enjoyed it despite the cold and the rain. We huddled under umbrellas and rain gear with our friends, of whom many of us will watch our own kids on that field together one day.

There's the socialization part of the game- seeing people from the community that you know, and watching as your 11-year old goes off with his friends to "watch the game"...but when it comes right down to it, I actually do like to watch the football game.

Yes, it's my Alma Mater. But high school kids have such a spirit around the game. You can tell that some of those boys live and breathe the game, and that football is so much more than a sport to them. Also, you can almost palpate the tension of the parents that are in the stands- it's amazing how much less stressful a football game can be when it's not your kid out there!

It continued to pour through half-time, and since I have to get up at 4:45 tomorrow for my race, and the 11-year old has his own football game tomorrow, we decided to leave before the game was over. Our hometown was winning 24-14, and I couldn't justify getting pneumonia just to stay and watch the end. But I left with a smile on my face, happy to see our boys come off the field at the half-way mark with their team on the high side of the score board.

Tonight's picture celebrates High School football games and all they represent. They are a way to bring together so many different kinds of kids and adults- football players, cheerleaders, and band members of course, but also dance teams, students of all ages, parents, grandparents, business owners, community members, and the occasional previous graduate. I feel a little guilty for leaving though, so if any of you stayed till the end and know the score- let me know :).

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