Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 295

As I may have mentioned before, it absolutely drives me crazy when my husband leaves his clothes on the floor. Especially when they are within an arm's reach of the dirty laundry basket...

But, in every marriage or long-term relationship, there are quirks and habits on both sides of the fence. Yes, I admit it- I have faults. I forget to take the trash out on trash day. I forget everyone's birthday. I leave the garage door open all night.

And although I do pick my laundry up off the floor, I do have a habit that I know drives my husband crazy. In fact, if we were on that game show where couples have to answer questions about each other, I know we would get this one right...

I always, always run my gas tank to the last possible drop before filling up.

I know. You? The planner and spreadsheet follower? Yes, me. Especially in the winter- it's cold standing outside! I cringe when we walk out the door as a family and my husband says, "Let's take the car"- because I just know there will be comments about how my gas needle is below the 1/4 full mark.

I just don't notice it. At least not until the little light comes on...I mean, that's why the light is there right?

On my way to work this morning, my trusty gas light came on. I didn't want to stop and therefore be late to work, so I vowed I would refuel on my way home. As I pulled out of the parking lot this evening, I again noted the illuminated gas pump in my dashboard. Opting to pass several exits with gas stations, I decided to drive the 40 minutes home in order to use my Kroger fuel points in my hometown.

By the time I hit my city limits, I have to admit I was starting to sweat a little- not so much at the thought of running out of gas on the highway, but of having to call my husband to come pick me up... Any kind of delay at this point and I knew I was probably screwed. I started to wonder just how many miles my car could actually go once the light came on....but I coasted in to the Kroger parking lot without my trusty Honda sputtering to a stop beforehand.

As I scanned my rewards card at the pump, I discovered that my procrastination had paid off. Literally. I had enough points to bring my gas down to the point I actually paid about 13 dollars less than usual to fill up- score! If anyone was looking at me as I pumped petrol, they would have seen a smirk on my face. I couldn't wait to get home and tell my husband how I had just saved us $13.

Tonight's picture represents owning up to our personal flaws, and the unexpected small kinds of occasional perks that seem to just make your day. Unfortunately, it turns out my husband was not as excited as I was concerning my financial prowess, and I fully expect to find dirty socks and underwear on the bedroom floor tonight..

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