Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 190

The door that connects my house to my garage must have been opened and closed over a dozen times tonight. The 11-year old and his neighborhood friends came in and out all evening, playing hide-n-seek and grabbing snacks or popsicles. There was a time when one of the boys came in the house when my 11-year old wasn't even home....he played around in his room for a bit then went back out to search for the others.

Why would a door slamming and letting in bugs make me happy?

Because I love to have people in my home. I love for people to feel comfortable in my home. It is so important to me to have friends for both the kids and adults who feel they can pretty much walk in my garage door to visit any time they want. I want my friends to know which drawer the silverware is in  and where the extra toilet paper rolls are at my house.

I always had neighbor kids in and out when our older children were young too. I used to always make enough dinner to ensure there would be some for whoever wandered by- a kid or a sometimes a bachelor firefighter that "just happened" to be in the neighborhood. I utilize the nights my husband is at work to drink wine and eat dessert with my girlfriends.

So come on over. But don't expect a perfect house when you do. My life is one full of clean laundry on the counter and dishes in the sink- but I'd much rather enjoy a summer evening playing cards with friends on the back patio than fold laundry. And don't worry- we will close the garage door if we are "busy"...

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