Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 194

My step-daughter turned 21-years old today.

How the hell did that happen?

I know, I know. All parents have these moments when they realize how fast kids really do grow up. And in truth I am absolutely on board with her taking this next step into adulthood. She was always the responsible one  (minus a few years in teen hell), and I couldn't be prouder of the adult she has turned out to be.

Technically, she turned 21 at midnight last night. So, like many new legal drinkers, she made sure she was at a bar when the stroke of twelve came along.

The rest of her night is her story to tell, but I think many of us can remember our own first legal drinking night. Or, if you are like me, you remember only part of that night....

Tonight her family welcomed her into the legal drinking world at a local drinking staple- Elsa's. This is the home of the "Bad Juan" margarita, a true force to be reckoned with. The restaurant will not let you order more than three these days, an increase from the limit of two that was around when I first started going there.

I don't think there is anyone who lives in this area that doesn't have an Elsa's story. Maybe it was you that had a disagreement with Juan. Or maybe it was someone you were with that took the power of Juan too lightly. I myself can remember ending an evening with my then-fiance holding my hair back for the first time in our relationship. All I wanted to do was go to bed (aka pass out). I even had my pj's on- although I had admittedly pulled the drawer ALL the way out of the dresser and onto the floor when looking for the perfect pair...So  instead of letting me sleep (aka pass out) he took me outside in the February snow for a few minutes. Then he sat me on the couch with a large cup of water and told me that I couldn't go to bed until the cup was empty.

I promptly upended the cup onto the couch cushion next to me, stood up and handed him back the glass, and walked into the bedroom.

That'll teach him.

Tonight's pic celebrates a young adult milestone that many times comes with both pleasant and not-so-pleasant memories. Happy Birthday honey. I love you!

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