Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 203

There is an award in the nursing world called The Daisy Award. It was founded by none other than the family of a patient who had a loved one hospitalized for eight weeks. His name was Patrick Barnes. During his hospitalization, they were so amazed and thankful of the care and compassion shown by the nursing staff, that they wanted to create a way to recognize nurses everywhere.

Hence, The Daisy Foundation was born.

What started out as a thank you program at one hospital is now recognized in over 1700 hospitals across all states in the U.S., and 11 other countries as well.

To receive this prestigious award, a patient, family member, or peer must submit a letter describing their experience with a particular nurse and why they believe he/she deserves the Daisy award. The best part about this award is that it's focus is not necessarily on clinical skill, although that of course is important. What the family who created this award wanted was to showcase strong patient care and compassion.

And that, my friends, is what nursing is about.

While Mr. Barnes was in the hospital, he was not eating very well at all. His family brought him a roll from Cinnabon, and he ate the entire thing. The next day he asked for another one, but told his family to bring enough for the whole nursing unit to have some too. So now, when the award winner is given their plaque, pin, and other awards, their whole unit is also presented with fresh rolls from Cinnabon, who has partenered with The Daisy Foundation to help ensure that all nurses that day feel a little special.

Today, a nurse from my unit received The Daisy Award. A patient's family wrote a letter which spoke of her compassion and how she was sure to keep all of them informed throughout their mother's prolonged hospital stay. It has always amazed me that people take the time to thank us after going through what is sometimes the most traumatic experience of their lives. Instead of just being thankful it is over- they take time out of their lives to send us cards, candy, flowers, etc. It's a true statement to how nursing impacts people's lives.

Our nurse was taken by suprise when she came out of her patient's room to find her parents, husband and four children waiting in the hallway with flowers in their hands. Her family got to hear both the  letter from the patient's family, as well as the story behind the Daisy Award- something I think is awesome. I loved watching her kids stand next to her while her picture was taken, and hope they remember the day that their mom was recognized for what she does when she leaves them at home for over 12 hours in one day- something most moms don't have to do.

Today's pic celebrates our superstar, as well as all nurses who have made a lifetime committment to helping others through the hard times. I love you all!

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