Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 100

Wow. 100 days of entries. This time last year, I didn't really even understand what a blog was. Now, it's simply a part of what I do every day. Some days I admit I struggle to find something to write about, but that almost makes it more worthwhile- because it is usually those days that I really need to end on a positive note.

Today was not one of those days. In fact, I  actually had to choose between a couple of things that I wanted to share- which in itself is a blessing.

I had a meeting downtown today. I don't hate going downtown, but it definately is not my favorite place. It's crowded, loud,  and there's more cement than nature. I was frustrated when I got there because the parking garage was amost filled to capacity, meaning it took me forever to find a parking space and I had to park on the upper-most level. Add to this that I had not correctly calculated the fact that traffic downtown at lunchtime is crazy I and was therefore running a few minutes late....frustrating.

The meeting was productive and worthwhile though, and ended a little earlier than anticipated, meaning I had an extra hour than usual on a sunny afternoon. Trudging through the (OMG CRAZY) wind, I found my way back to the cement parking garage and got on the elevator to go up all the way to the top level.

I got on the elevator after an older gentleman who was moving slowly and wore oxygen in his nose. I leaned over and pressed the button for my floor. "You're up high, huh?", he asked. "Yeah", I replied, trying not to let my annoyance at having to park so far up show through. "I would have pushed the button for you, honey". He smiled kindly at me as he got off on the second floor.

The doors closed, and opened again on the fourth floor. A young woman got on. Slumped in my corner, I didn't say anything. She smiled at me and asked, "Are you getting off?"

"No, not until the top floor", I reply- again masking my annoyance.

Her smile broadens- "No, I meant are you getting off work now?"

"Oh... Yes, actually".

"Well, isn't that nice for you. Enjoy this weather!"

The door opens on my floor- the sixth and top floor. She doesn't get out- she is actually going back down to the ground floor. INTO the hospital....

I walked out of the elevator and noticed immediately that there are less cars here than when I first arrived. This afforded me an instant birds eye view of the city and beyond. I slowly walked over to the rail and looked out over the land, amazed at how nature and mankind have worked together to form patterns and shapes and, well... beauty.

Now, I am admittedly not much of a religious person. But if there is someone or something out there, he/she/it was definately teaching me a lesson. Here I was, boo-hooing and being grumpy about having to come into the city and park so high. And what did that get me?

Kindness from two strangers- one obviously ill and the other venturing into a cement building usually filled with more sadness than happiness. And a view that allowed me to see the city as something beautiful, not just loud, dirty, and full of cement.

"Yeah, yeah", I muttered, casting a sheepish look upward. "I get it... Reset button hit- message received."

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