Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 101

In 7th grade, I decided to try out for the volleyball team. I never looked back. I spent the next 6 summers and falls in a hot, steamy gym, learning to use my height to my advantage at the net and forming bonds with girls that lasted well beyond my school years. It was my greatest love and passion throughout all of the extra-curricular activites that I participated in.

My teenage years consisted of throwing myself into anything and everything I could- sports, music, art, speech and debate- you name it, I probably tried it. The result was that although I always gave 100% at whatever I did, I was good at many things, but not really great at anything. And that's ok, because I experienced a whole lot at a young age and got to know a whole lot of people.

Volleyball was no exception. I worked my ass off, but never mastered the sport. Yes, I was above average- but there were defiantely no scholarships coming my way. So, I played club in college, and started going to open gyms at Ohio State. That's where I got a whole lot better, because I was one of the few women that came on a regular basis and therefore had to hold my own against men who had no problem spiking a ball into a woman's face...

I wound up playing in a couple coed tournaments with a few guys I got to know in college, and even spent a summer being a referee at a sand volleyball club. But past my twenties, I can't say I really ever got back to my childhood sport.

Until a few years ago, that is. A friend of mine asked if I'd be interested in subbing on his sand volleyball team for a couple of weeks. Ironically, it was at the same place I had spent that one summer refereeing many years ago. I must not have done half-bad, because they began to consistently ask me to sub when they had a need, and I was always more than willing to help out.

Last year, we decided to form our own team, consisting of parents from our kids' football team. I convinced my husband to play as well, and so we now spend our Friday nights with sand, beer, and volleyballs.

I love it. I love having something social to do every week with my husband. I love being part of a team. I love getting out there and playing my beloved sport again. And it doesn't hurt that they serve beer...

Today's pic celebrates friendship, fun, and actually having something on my social calendar weekly that doesn't involve driving a kid to some kind of practice or event. We won all three of our games on opening night tonight- definately a positive way to end the day!!

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