Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 115

As I've mentioned before, my youngest son has genetically inherited my love of shoes. And where his taste runs to Nike or Brooks, I have a fondness for Nine West and Anne Klein.

I love shoes. I love beautiful shoes, even ones that I know I couldn't or shouldn't wear. Sometimes I'll see a pair of outrageous heels on the rack in my size and try them on just for fun, knowing I would never have the guts to wear them. But every once in a while, a deal comes along that I just can't pass up.

Perusing the Nine West outlet shop a couple of years ago, I came upon a pair of shiny patent red heels. Although the heels were 3 inches high, they were made of cork, which not only made them more comfortable, but distinguished them as heels that could be worn with both casual or work clothes- something hard to find in a 3-inch heel. Add in the fact the they were dirt cheap in the Nine West world...I bought them, even though I didn't really have any outfits at the time to go with them.

I have only worn them once or twice- let's face it, I don't have the type of life where I go places heels like that are appropriate. The grocery store, Target, and Applebees require more casual attire. But today I decided to dress up my neutral tan suit with a pop of color, thinking it would be a nice change from the usual brown shoes I would wear with the outfit. Plus, it was Friday and I wasn't planning on being at work the whole day, so I wouldn't be succumbed to wear heels all day, and I'm sure hardly anyone would even see them or notice, right?


I guess it's my fault really. I'm 5'11" with tennis shoes and navy blue scrubs on. In these babies, I am well over 6 feet tall. And they tend to make a distinctly different sound than tennis shoes or clogs that most people on the unit are wearing during the day.

It's not my first time wearing heels to work, of course. I even have nurses who have been in patient's rooms and heard my heels clicking down the hallway and been able to identify me before they even see me. But today's red shiny shoes seemed to scream for attention, and attention they got. And let's face it- a nursing unit is full of women, and women just plain love shoes. I even had one patient's wife tell me to go into her 81 year-old's husband's room and show him my shoes to cheer him up- he was apparantly a love of ladies shoes...

I accepted compliments and jokes alike, and even fielded a phone call from my boss who called me in my office from the unit to tell me laughingly she had just been informed I was wearing "hooker heels"...I promptly came out to the unit to show her my cute red shoes, as well as the rest of my low-key tan suit, so that she didn't worry her educator had decided to dress inappropriately.

By one o'clock, I had put in my 40 hours for the week and was free to go. I went back to my office to gather my things- and promptly took off my heels and exchanged them for the flats I had brought in my bag. I mean- that walk to the parking lot would have been murder in those shoes!

I'm back home now in my tennis shoes and workout gear, comfy and preparing to clean the bathrooms. But for a short while today, I felt a little glamorous and feminine. And tall. Very, very tall.

Today's pic celebrates red patent heels, and the power that resides in a 3 inch heel.

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