Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 142

This morning I got up knowing that I was going to have to work out. Between my job and tornadoes (see yesterday's blog...), I haven't been able to exercise in several days. Add in a couple of donuts and birthday cake....well, let's just say I knew it would probably be ugly.

Today was a swim and run workout. It was also a "force" day, which means sprints both in water and on land are included in the workout. About 25 minutes into my swim, I had completed my sprints and was faced with another 20 minutes of laps at a steady pace. I was feeling sorry for myself, and was debating on finishing early as I stood at the wall huffing and puffing. I swear, if it was possible to sweat in a pool- I was sweating.

Then I heard a voice- "How's the water?"

I looked up to see a smiling woman in a full wet suit and swim cap- who could not have been younger than 80 years old.

"Not bad at all", I replied.

"That's the way I like it", she said, still smiling.

She then proceeded to get in the pool WITHOUT USING A LADDER, and started her laps. Now don't get me wrong, she wasn't winning any races with her pace, but she was swimming dad gum it. And I wasn't.

So I sighed a little and went back to it, finishing my 25 minutes as strong as I could. Then I got out, changed, and walked out of the locker room. Glancing into the pool on my way out- yup. There she was. Still going.

I came home and hung up my swimsuit in the laundry room, smiling a little at how I got schooled by an 80-year old. Then I laced up my running shoes and hit the pavement for an hour. No excuses today- and maybe by working this hard now, I will be the 80-year old in the pool one day motivating a young woman not to giv in and stop early.

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