Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 143

When I was young, I loved listening to the radio. I was an 80's child, otherwise known as the M and M generation ( Madonna and Michael Jackson). It was Z-93 on the boombox and MTV on the TV whenever possible, except for homework and bedtime. For whatever reason, I've never been able to study or sleep with music on- I get distracted and wind up singing along instead of dreaming or writing my paper...

These days, most kids don't even own a radio. And MTV has more reality shows on than music videos. Even CD players have taken a backseat in the music playing business. Instead, Pandora, You Tube, and ITunes rule the airwaves.

Being a traditionalist (aka old), I haven't really grasped on to You Tube or I Tunes.

But Pandora is a different story. I love it. It's like having a radio that you can control. I remember being a young girl and lying in my bedroom for hours, hoping against hope that they would play "Like A Virgin" or "Beat It".

Now, all I have to do is switch my Pandora channel to Madonna, and I can be immediately transported to my jelly-bracelet years whenever I want. 

I have an eclectic taste on my Pandora list. Madonna of course, but I also have Rascal Flatts, Pink, Macklemore, Alison Kraus, and Justin Timberlake. Yeah- that's right. JT rocks.

So now instead of lugging my boombox around, I can put in my earbuds, strap my phone to my arm, and take M and M or JT with me anywhere I'd like. Gotta love Progress. 

Today's pic represents the age-old pastime of listening to music, be it record, 8-track, cassette, CD, or kn your phone.

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