Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 219

Our oldest and his wife have been home from Texas for the week, taking a long vacation to visit family. And you know what that means...

Gigi got to meet Kaden in person for the first time.

Yeah, he's still in the incubator, but there is something magical about being able to see your step-son's child growing. Even the 11-year was in awe. He mentioned after they left the house, "Mom her belly has gotten a lot bigger... Is Kaden really in there? That's so freaking cool".

Momma is doing great and over half-way to the finish line. Her feet were swollen like sausages after the long drive, but her mom came to the rescue with Epsom salts and they are much better now. Other than that, she is beautiful and radiant and happy. An, supposedly, drinking multiple gallons of milk per week...

We are doing a baby shower for them while they are home, although it is earlier than the usual affair at 8 months or so. But the next time they will be in town Kaden will have been out of his incubator for 2 months or so, and we want to shop for baby gifts NOW.

A baby shower means planning. And planning means lists. Yippee! So Kaden's family got together to discuss food, drinks, games, and decorations.

Soon after we all arrived, I noted that it was the first time all three grandmas were together since the pregnancy. We come from different backrounds, lifestyles, etc but that has never stopped us from loving these kids and getting along with each other. Being able to sit with these two women as a step-mom and not be a bit uncomfortable while laughing, drinking beer, and telling stories is a blessing I don't take lightly. They have always included me as an integral part of their children's lives, and I am so thankful for that. I know that everyone is not so lucky.

So today's picture represents...well, the coolest Grandmas ever of course. It represents how family, love, and acceptance don't necessarily have to be binded by blood, and that blended families truly can work if you want it to.

This baby is gonna be spoiled rotten. I can't wait!

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