Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 237

I have a confession to make...

I play Candy Crush.

I know, I know. I'm a follower.But I can't help it! Those little pieces of candy are more addicting than Spider Solitaire ever was, that's for sure.

I don't allow myself to actually buy extra "boosters", and I sure as hell don't post my Progress on Facebook-I have seen enough people hating on Candy Crushers there to scare me from that (you get extra boosters if you post on Facebook...).

But, this little game is now my favorite pastime when I'm either bored or need to turn my brain off. I play it while I wait for my face mask to dry, and I fall asleep most nights with my I pad in my lap. I have always been someone who needs something to occupy my brain when I go to bed, otherwise I tend to stay up all night thinking about all of my To Do lists and "What If"s...

So tonight's pic represents how we all need a way to detach from the world once in a while. Maybe you do crosswords, or that damn Clash of Clans game (I swear my son and husband play that more than their xbox). And if you are a Sudoku fan, more power to you- I have never been able to figure that damn game out....

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