Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 238

Middle School.

It was called "Junior High" when I was the 11-year old's age, but I still remember my first day like it was yesterday. I was so excited, because I was (finally!!) allowed to shave my legs, and was quite sure everyone would notice my super-smooth appendages sticking out of my new, acid-washed jean skirt...

Junior High was also when I was allowed to start wearing make-up and hair spray. Now, this was the 80's, so you can imagine how many lung cells I killed inhaling hairspray as it fell over my head. And yes, I am ashamed to admit that I had blue eye shadow...

The 11-year old started middle school today. And, true to his nature, he wasn't nearly as nervous as I expected. He seemed to take it all in stride, ensuring me that "I got this Mom" when I would fret over if he would have enough time to get from one class to another, or find his way from Math to Science.

But what I have noticed over the last couple of days is the sudden transformation of caring about what he wears, how he smells, and how his hair looks...We had to practice his hairstyle the night before school so that he could be sure and do it the way he liked and not use too much or too little hair goop. He has never been picky about where his clothes are purchased from, but most days I struggle getting him to actually come close to matching. Plus, getting him to wear anything but basketball shorts required a funeral or wedding...But not today- he was wanting to dress to impress.

Why the sudden change? What else- girls. He has informed me that Middle School is swarming with them. He already has a list of girls that he is interested in "dating", which makes me concerned that his genetic disposition of list-making may back fire on him...

Today's picture represents that awkward transition into the teen world, and how the basic elements of growing up seem to be timeless. So although his shorts weren't acid-washed, and he was excited about hair goop instead of hairspray, it's funny to see how some things just don't change.

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