Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 305

Today is November first. You know what that means.

Only 55 more days until Christmas.

Today I started my shopping with a trip to one of my favorite stores, The Olde Farmstead. This is a locally owned business that specializes in comfortable, high-quality country-style home furnishings and gifts. The first weekend in November every year, they have a tremendous sale which I use to stock up on candles, tart burners, Christmas ornaments, and anything else that catches my eye that day.

This morning at the breakfast table, my husband asked me what my plans were for the day. Although it sounds innocent enough, in actuality this is his way of figuring out how much football he is going to be able to watch.

Now I myself like to watch football once in a while. But I cannot for the life of me understand how people sit and watch game after game for hours and hours. Seriously. I would get a bed sore.

So as I was perusing my favorite store, a picture on the wall caught my eye and made me smile. "We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season". How poetic. And  I realized I must not be the only wife out shopping while her husband watches men in tight pants knock the shit out of each other- I mean, they have a sign about it for God's sake.

But the ugly truth is, I don't really mind that my husband watches football. Because I actually get so much more done on days where I don't have to worry about matching our schedules up. Plus, if there is something I really need or want my husband to do, the magic of DVR allows him to make me happy while at the same time not missing any of his game. I got three hours of house cleaning in today, plus a workout, Christmas shopping, grocery shopping, the library, and I even made a practice round of pumpkin truffles for Thanksgiving. Yeah, that meant I was at the grocery in my sweatpants at 8 o'clock on a Saturday night, but not all of us can have wild and crazy social lives, ok?

Today's picture represents sports widows, be it football, golf, hunting, or fishing. I love my husband, and I love the time that I get to spend with him. But I also like clean bathrooms- I actually had all three of them clean at the same time, and forbid my husband and son for using them for a minimum of 3 hours. That's all I ask for on a weekend- just three hours with clean bathrooms. That's not too much to ask, is it?

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