Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 328

Simple post today.

As I drove to work this morning, I was struck by a bank of clouds to my left that were blocking the sun from claiming the day. The edge of the cloud literally shimmered with a thin line of golden light, where the sun was attempting to conquer the grey cumulus with it's power.

It was violently beautiful, almost like a war against good and evil, dark and light. I snapped a few pictures with my phone as I continued down the highway (don't tell my mother...).

I read a little blurb on Facebook last night that talked about the reality of what a teeny-tiny speck the Earth is in relation to the universe. Our world is so infinitely amazing and beautiful, teeming with life and possibilities. It's truly overpowering to think what else could be out there in the known universe, and it's very easy to get close-minded to this when you are living the day-to-day reality of Life on Earth.

Today's picture represents a snapshot of Life on Earth, and how significantly insignificant our planet is in the scheme of things. I saw another blurb on Facebook about weird photos that trail cameras had supposedly taken. Several indicated pictures of aliens or ghost-like creatures, and at first I laughed it off. But who knows what may be out there...

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