Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 250

If there's one thing Ohio does well, it's fairs. From spring through late fall, you can find some kind of celebration almost every weekend.

This weekend was my hometown's turn to show off their "fare" (sorry, couldn't resist). The theme is popcorn, but the truth is there are probably less than half a dozen stands that actually sell anything popcorn related...

But what we don't have in popcorn, we make up for in crafts, community service representation, and food. There was jewelry, sports themed paraphanelia, home decor and more to peruse. The fire and police departments had their vehicles and equipment out for kids to climb on, and there was representation from almost every local church, club, and business available to talk to or get information from.

Having been a long time visitor of the Popcorn Festival, I relativey knew what to expect. That being said, I made sure to get my run in this morning, knowing that not only would that allow me to feel less guilty about eating fair food, bu that my stomach would revolt against any type of excercise later on.

Sure enough, we barely made it inside the fair when we were greeted by a stand that boasted it's ability to deep fry just about ever major dessert- Oreos, buckeyes, cheesecake, Snickers, etc. My son got the Oreos while the husband decided on buckeyes. We had arrived early and so the oil was still relatively fresh, and the fried desserts were heavenly. In my opionion, the buckeye far out-tasted the Oreo, but I only had a small bite of each and would need to eat at least two more of both creations in order to make an educated decision...

We bought cinnamon roasted almonds and fresh kettle korn for snacking later tonight, and two jars of salsa- one that is bacon flavored....that's a new one. I mean, how do resist that?!

But for me, it was all about the fried dough. That's right- the traditional funnel cake, with powdered sugar on top. I honestly have no clue what it is actually made of, and that is probably for the best. But that melt-in-your-mouth fried heaven was well worth the 4 miles I had run that morning!

Today's pic celebrates local fairs, and the fare at the fair. There's just something about walking around with food on a stick or fried dough that makes the whole experience official.

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