Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 260

31 down, 9 to go.

Caden is coming. And Gigi is getting so excited! I have to admit, it's so much more fun when I am not the one with swollen feet and hot flashes- I could get used to this Grandma thing. It seems like I see babies everywhere I look lately. Big ones, small ones, boys and girls- I wanna hold and kiss them all.

I got a text from my step-daughter-in-law (SDIL) today, with a picture of the quilt that arrived at their house. The quilt was made by my mother, who never ceases to amaze me with her sewing talent.

Caden's room is forest animals, and my mom found the perfect fabric that matches perfectly (and yes, I get the matchy-matchy issues from her). It will be perfect for nap time, tummy time, and hopefully cuddle-with-Gigi-time.

As I get older, I have started to appreciate more the weight of family history and traditions. Photgraphs, cookbooks with handwritten notes in the margins, quilts, and crocheted blankets are treasures and links to our past- a past that has helped to shape who we each are today.

Today's pic celebrates family history and tradition. My mom made me a blanket too- it still resides on my bed after all these years. And from what I hear, Caden is well on his way to having pieces of family tradition and history with him from not one but three sides of his family. And yes, I said three sides- that is one of the benefits of being the child/grandchild of a family with divorces and remarriages! I need to think about what I want to pass on to my own children- my medals from my triathlons? My nursing pin and hospital badge? Maybe. What will you pass on?

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