Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 263

Ugh. It was definitely one of "those" days...

Woke up with a pinched nerve or pulled muscle in my shoulder blade. Never a good thing when you are eating Advil before breakfast...

Had to work 2 hours at the concession stand this morning for football. Got stung by a bee while I was pouring hot cocoa. I promptly spilled the hot cocoa all over the place.

Came home knowing I needed to wash the 11-year old's football gear. Walked into the laundry room to find my husband's dirty socks from his workout this morning. On the floor. Six inches away from the laundry basket in the laundry room.

Went for my 10-mile run to prep for the 1/2 marathon I am running in a few weeks. I admittedly did not eat that well yesterday, and hadn't worked out in the last three days. I also realized, about 1/2 mile in, that the reason I felt like I was running with a constant wedgie was that I had put my shorts on backwards. Strong work. I felt ok for the first 5 miles, but then it was a struggle. My knees were killing me, it was hot out, and I had a wedgie...

A cold shower and more Advil later, it was time to head to the 11-year old's football game. Today was the Air Force marathon, and many of our parents participated. For the most part, you could tell who had run by looking to see who was limping...we traded stories about sore muscles, knee pain, and feeling old during halftime, laughing at ourselves yet congratulating each other on pushing through the pain.

I almost fell in the Port-o-Potty trying to squat with sore legs. I'm sure whoever was in the one next to me got quite the scare when I screamed and wobbled enough to shake the green hut.

We lost the football game, and had a total of 3 players get injured enough to have to leave the game. My son was one of them. A leg injury that will be ok, but I once again had to get out my trusty Advil, handing him two to take with his post-game snack of Rice Krispies and Cheetos provided by one of the moms.

By the time we made it home it was dark out, and all I really wanted to do was get something to eat and go to bed. Then the 11-year old put his arm around me, put his best puppy-dog face on, and asked, "Mom, will you bake some cookies?"

Seriously? A day like today and you want cookies? But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that cookies was just what we all needed.

Now let's be clear- I didn't make cookies. I took cookie dough out of a package and plopped them on a baking sheet. But they still tasted great with a glass of milk. The 11-year old and I grinned at each other with our mouths full of milk-soaked chocolate chip goodness, and suddenly I realized my day was going to end much better than it started.

Tonight's pic represents sweet endings, and the power of warm cookies and milk. Chances are, you can link a positive memory to a glass of white liquid and some kind of homemade goodie. Or, as in this case, at least a home baked goodie :). Hope your day was better than mine. Tomorrow is a new one though, without football or 10 miles to run!

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