Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 259

Well, the 11-year old is only four weeks into school, and we have already done two projects.


Posterboards, book reports, erupting volcanoes. Remember those?

I do. My favorite project ever was a science project I did on the human heart. I built a human heart from clay- put it in the oven and painted it red and blue and everything! I wound up doing very well that year in the Science Fair. I wish I would have saved it- wouldn't that look cool on my desk now...

What I don't remember as well is how much time my momo\ probably put into all those projects as well. I do remember her helping me with the heart model, but I am sure there were scores of other posterboards and reports that she helped me with that I didn't appreciate at the time.

Well Mom, today I am saying thank you. Thank you for helping me with my homework and school projects. Not every kid is lucky enough to have that. I have spent the last two weeks pushing off my own responsibilities (ok, putting off folding laundry wasn't a huge deal but still...) in order to help the 11-year old with his.

Trying to find the balance not only between my "to do" list and his, but also how much I actually should help him has been a challenge too. Is it ok if I cut out the images he printed off since he can't cut neatly at all? Can I give him an idea for one of his fifteen sentences he has to write? This parenting stuff is sticky sometimes...

Tonight's picture represents those infamous school projects that are a right of passage through childhood, as well as the behind-the-scenes work that happens between parent and child.

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