Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 62

I live in Ohio, where winters are long and cold. I am also a nurse, who washes and sanitzes her hands much more than the average person. So dry skin is not something new to me. I tolerate it easily enough, getting used to feeing itchy and looking down at my hands or legs and see the chalky-white film that covers me on a daily basis. I do apply lotion once a day, but in general resign myself to flakes and scratchiness until warmer weather arrives.

Except for my lips, that is.

I absolutely cannot stand for my lips to feel dry. It consumes me when I don't have it, and I have trouble concentrating on tasks- always thinking about how and when I can get to one of my tubes of lip lube. I keep them everywhere, in all shapes and sizes. I am a connosiour of lip gloss, having bought and tried many, and can advise you on what brands to spend your money on depending on what you are looking for. Looking for coverage only without color or shine? Old-fashioned Chapstick is the way to go, but stay away from the ones with sunscreen- they actually dry you out faster. Want a thin shiny gloss without color? Mary Kay and CrabTree and Evelyn have brands for you. And for the girly girl who like shine AND color- Maybelline and CoverGirl are your best options (Maybelline is a little thicker and tends to last longer though).

I have lip lube in just about every room of the house, in almost all of my purses, my workout bag, my car, and my office. I carry one in my pocket at all times. I recently bought a Michael Kors clutch, and wound up with the bigger (and more expensive...)one of two choices because the smaller one couldn't fit my phone AND my lip gloss inside...

So if you ever are looking for a gift for me, lip lube is a sure pleaser. Just don't get lipstick, for goodness sakes- it makes your lips feel dry and I haven't bought any of it for years!

Today's picture represents the pleasure and passion of soft, shiny, kissable lips- even though the rest of me may look like a snake.

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