Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 90

Going to college right out of high school was exciting. The independance, the beer, making new friends, beer, staying up all night on a weeknight, and- did I mention the beer?

Going  back to college 15 years later was just plain scary. No beer now- just a full time job, kids, a husband, and a house to take care of. Yikes! Was I even going to remember how to write a paper? And how the hell do you research a subject on the Internet? I still had a word processor in college for goodness sake!

But, somehow, I did it. And to be honest, once I got past the first couple of classes I realized I was actually more prepared for college now than I ever was at 18. As an adult, I was more disciplined about studying and homework, and even planned ahead every once in a while. I was also a whole lot more motivated- knowing my family was counting on me to finish and that it could help advance my career was a great advantage. And admittedly, I did drink less beer the second time around as well- that may have helped...

Today, registration opened for our local community college's summer quarter. How do I know that? Because my husband is going back to college. After more than 20 years in the fire service, he will be able to retire in less than 10 years but will still be young enough to need/want to do something else. We talked through all sorts of "second careers" ( including "stage performer" which was quickly ruled out...) and finally settled on substitute teaching. So, today he makes his first steps toward finishing his Associates Degree and moving on to a Bachelor's in order to eventually have his weekends, holidays, and summers off work :).

Today's picture signifies the guts it takes to start or restart college as an adult. So many of my friends and co-workers have taken this path, and I am proud of each and every one of you- but especially my non stage-performer husband.

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