Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 81

Tonight was a lovely night, full of memories and stories of "the good ole' days". Being a nurse is a huge part of what and who I am, and I got to spend the evening with three nurses who are largely responsible for who I am professionally. 

One was the nurse who precepted me 15 years ago when I was a new grad. Another was the nurse that precepted me when I transitioned to critical care. And the other was a mentor, peer, and friend for 10 years until she retired. 

Two of them are retired now, and it's been at least a year since I've seen them. But the bond we share does not acknowledge timelines and we fell into rhythm seamlessly as though we had just worked a shift together last week.

Looking back to the beginning of my career, I cannot stress how lucky I was to be surrounded by amazing nurses that I was able to look up to. They took me under their wings and showed me the right way to do things. Not the easy way- the right way. Every time. They are the kind of nurses I would want taking care of me and my family.

Everyone should have a mentor, nurse or not. Someone to look up to and strive to be like one day. Someone who supports you and teaches you, holds you accountable and encourages you at the same time. I can only hope I can touch others in some way similar to how they helped me. 

So, if you don't have a mentor- find one. Or more importantly- be one. 

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