Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 76

Most week nights I get home after my husband and son have eaten dinner. And most week nights, when I open the refrigerator door, there are leftovers waiting for me. Tonight I came home and found something purple and yellow in the fridge. I honestly thought it was a tropical fruit of some sort at first. Cautiously, I asked my husband what it was. He replied it was a sweet potato. 

Now, I'm no bobby Flay, but I am not an idiot in the kitchen nor am I new to out-of-the-ordinary food being

in my kitchen. But a purple and yellow sweet potato? Never heard of it. I was immediately suspicious...

Turns out, it was an Asian sweet potato. Or at least that's what he told me. And it was delicious- the same satisfying sweetness of a traditional sweet potato but with a smoother texture and lighter overall taste. 

We have always been a family that isn't afraid to step out of the box when it comes to food. I have my limits, of course- no bugs or monkey brains for me- but in general we are willing to at least try most things new to our palate. This theory doesn't always work out of course- we have ordered pizza last-minute more than once, but many times it's worth the "risk".

Tonight's picture represents trying something new and not judging a book by its cover. Go ahead- try something new. You may be pleasantly surprised!

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