Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 65

If you're on're late.

It's my husband's favorite saying. He is early for everything. And as much as I love him, it's just plain annoying sometimes.

When we first started living together and would be going somewhere , we would decide on a time to leave- say 5:00. It took me awhile to figure out that "5:00" actually meant "4:45". I am not a late person in general, but I am not early either. I do like to be on time, but in my mind arriving early is a waste- I could have slept in 15 more minutes or cleaned the house a bit more before leaving.

Traditionally, I am finishing getting myself ready when he is chomping at the bit to leave. He paces back and forth in front of my bathroom, or even stands in the doorway looking at me. "You look fine- let's go!" he'll say. I just turn and look calmly at him- "I don't have any pants on". Or "Honey, I only have eyeliner on one eye"....

My husband's first two children are much like me- not really late, but not early. They both have many other achievements and accomplishments, but the reality is that when they are 5 minutes late my husband just shakes his head like he can't believe they have come from the same blood. The 10-year old has been brain washed though, and has even started to use Dad's "If you're on time you're late" slogan when we need to go to sports practices or other timed events. Lucky me.

Today we had the rare opportunity to have dinner with all four of our children. The oldest and his wife are home from Texas for a couple days, and we decided to meet at a local restaurant. My husband and I drove seperate, as I came straight from work. We were to meet at 5:00PM.

I walked into the restaurant at 4:55 and was astonshied to find my three adult children already sitting at a table, but no husband. Quickly glancing back out to the parking lot, I pulled out my phone and told them to hurry up and smile so I could get a picture of them and text it to their dad- "We're here at 4:55. Where are you? Oh- you must be running late".

He showed up a few minutes later, and I will admit we rather enjoyed razzing him quite a bit about his postponed entrance. He, of course, blamed the 10-year old. Sure honey.

Today's picture celebrates the fun of family nuances, and the rarer and rarer gift of having my whole family at the same table.

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