Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 77

As many people do when Spring approaches, I started some spring cleaning this past weekend. The rules? If it hasn't been worn or used in the last year- it goes.

It never ceases to amaze me how much stuff accumulates, especially clothes. I pulled shirts out of the bottom of a drawer I had completely forgotten I owned. Other shirts or pants had been worn, but I wasn't in love with them- and then there are always that pair of jeans that I keep, convincing myself that they will fit next year...

I pulled out 10 socks that didn't have their mate- how does that happen?! And I also found some treasures I had hidden long ago- Mother's Day cards from the kids, an anniversary card from my husband, and boobie pasties I had bought but never had the guts to wear.

Sooner than later, I had 2 trash bags full of clothes. Now what? Why, I took them to Goodwill of course. I have always loved Goodwill-both to donate and shop. What a win-win situation. Donate clothes or house goods that someone else needs. Or go inside and shop where the proceeds go to those in need. I can't begin to tell you how many treasures I have found while perusing the racks and shelves at my local Goodwill. There is something secretly enjoyable when I get a compliment on a sweater or shirt that I got for $2...

So clean our those closets ladies and gentlemen, and visit your local Goodwill. As long as you come home with less than you left with its a success! 

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