Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 160

Sleepovers. Oh, the memories...freezing the bra of the first girl who fell asleep. Talking about boys and giggling until wee hours of the night. Playing truth or dare and practicing hairstyles and make-up on each other...

The 11-year old had a sleepover last night. My husband finally laid the law down at 2:30 this morning that they had to go to sleep...and yes, they were giggling. No underwear was in the freezer, but there was a definite threat hanging out there that the first boy asleep would get a marker mustache on his face...

As I cleaned up the aftermath this morning, I found three rolls of toilet paper discreetly tucked behind a chair in our front living room.


I immediately went to the window and looked across the street, knowing that my neighbors have a perfect TP tree in their front yard...

Nothing. Whew.

Several of the boys were still in the room when I bent over and said, "Aww..darn guys. Looks like you fell asleep before you got the chance to use these..."

The room got very quiet. It was all I could do not to laugh.

Finally, one brave boy asked, "You mean, you would have let us do it?"

I just smiled and walked away with my arms full of toilet paper. Because, come on- half  the fun of going toilet papering is knowing you are doing something your'e not supposed to, right? I mean, if I actually gave them permission, wouldn't that take some of the glory out of it?

Oh well. I guess we'll never know. Because my husband and I have sworn we are never having another sleepover with that many boys- I feel like I was up partying all night myself, and my pantry and refrigerator are bare.

One day, I am sure my son and his friends will have their right-of-TP-passage. He will probably ding-dong-ditch too. There's a part of me that kind of hopes he does. I have some great memories of holding on to one end of the TP roll while throwing the other end over a branch. Our neighbors down the street got TP'd a few nights ago, and some clever kids came up with the idea to also cover the ENTIRE car with post-it notes. Like, you literally couldn't see the car at all. Genius.

Today' pic represents making memories, and the thrill of being "bad".

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