Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 162

The 11-year old is at basketball camp this week, and I was supposed to pick him up at 4 PM. Luckily, I was able to get out the door of my office a little after 3PM. Knowing full well the traffic could be a 50/50 shot that time of day, I hurried through the lobby on my way to the parking lot.

As I neared the door that I leave by, I passed  an elderly, stooped-over woman in the middle of the hallway who had both her purse and another bag sitting on the ground. She was so still that I slowed as I hurried by just to be sure she was breathing...

Crap. Crap. Crap.

My conscious just wouldn't let me keep going. I stopped, turned around, and walked back to the hunched-over woman.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" I asked.

The poor thing was so hunched over from age that I could tell it took real effort to look up at me. I'm 5'10", and I know she wasn't over 5 foot even. "Oh yes, dear. Just taking a break to let my heart settle down a bit. Carrying this bag has kicked it up a notch".

I looked wistfully at the parking lot. Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Can I help you to your car?"

Her face lit up with a smile, and she graciously accepted my assistance, asking my name as we started (VERY slowly) towards the exit.

She introduced herself as Dr. Jane Doe (obviously I have altered her name...) and she proceeded to tell me that she was the first female physician to practice family medicine in the city of Middletown. She looked up at me, and her eyes twinkled as she said, "I am 91-years old, you know".

Holy crap. 91-years old. And yes, she was stooped over and walked slow, but she was walking without any type of assistance, was dressed immaculately, and was able to carry on quite an intelligent conversation with me as we continued to make our way (again, VERY slowly...) to the parking lot.

She told me that she is getting ready to visit her daughter in Canada next month. "She's still alive too, so I figure it's only fair I go see her each summer for a few weeks". I tried to think of anyone I knew who was close to that age and still flying...nope.

I mentioned that I hoped she was at the hospital to visit and not for herself. She replied that she had been at the hospital for business, and was actually running late to meet with the tumor board at another hospital. She had a pathology backround and still sits on a board of physicians that helps to make treatment decisions for patients.

Holy crap. Did I mention she is 91-years old?

Eventually, we arrived at her car. I put her bag inside for her, and she turned to thank me. I held my hand out and she shook it with the grasp of someone half her age. Then she smiled at me at gave me a big hug. I wished her well, and told her she looks tremendous. As I walked away, she called after me-"Stay away from white sugar and white flour!"

I chuckled to myself, and turned around to snap a picture of her white Chrysler so I would have something to use on my blog, because I was certain that nothing else would be more positive today. What started out as a possible nuisance and/or obligation turned into a lovely chance to meet an amazing woman.

Today's pic represents the rewards you can reap by thinking and helping others before yourself. I can only hope that when I am 91, I can balance being independent and accepting help at the same time as graciously as she did.

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