Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 180

Today I sowed the vegetable garden. At this point, the vegetables have grown enouGh that they. Don't need much tending or weed pulling, but I still like to clean things up. Plus, "sow garden" is on the list for today, so there's no getting around it right?

As I was looking under the zucchini leaves for weeds to pull, I came across something familiar. A baby tomato plant. Sure enough, as I looked close, I found at least four "volunteer" tomato plants. They are all in the vicinity of where I had tomatoes last year, and must have sprung from seeds that made their way from plant to earth last year.

I wavered with my gardening tool, trying to decide if I should treat them like weeds. But alas, I could not, especially after planting my own from seeds. They had endured one of the hardest winters we have had around here in years, along with a full blown tilling in the early spring. How could I destroy all that perseverance with one swipe of my spade?

Life amazes me. I have such respect for it. Plants and animals have the amazing ability to adapt and survive, no matter what you throw at them. Except zombies, I guess, according to The Walking Dead. I know there is science behind all of it, and that's one of the reasons I became a nurse. The fact that we can heal is just amazing. And you know how I feel about babies- absolute miracles. 

But plants deserve props as well. Just watching something grow every day from a seed the size of a Tic Tac into a plant laden with food that we can eat is just as amazing to me. So I will not pull up the volunteers, and if they die on their own, then it was meant to be. But if they live, I think I will make something special with them, because they will have earned that at the very least.

Tonight's pic represents the magical mixture of science and life, as well as life's perseverance. 

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