Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 164

One of the best things I ever did was work for a fire department for 5 years. I met amazing people and learned how to use a chainsaw. I got the opportunity to see the world like many people never get to- some good some bad- which was a good life lesson for a young woman who had honestly been sheltered for most of her life.

On practical terms, two of the most important skills I learned while wearing those dark blue uniforms were related to driving. GPS and electronic devices weren't available yet, so every employee had to learn the major roads of our city and which direction was north, south, etc ( directions in our map book were written as "turn north on Edenwood Drive").

Even more important was learning how to drive an ambulance. Driving a huge box from that high up was intimidating enough- throw in having to manage sirens, lights, and talk on the radio at the same time you are driving above the speed limit and the paramedic in the back is trying to intubate or put I'm an IV....well, let's just say it's not as easy as it may seem at first.

But learning how to maneuver those huge trucks has helped me throughout the rest of my life. When it came time for someone to drive the huge van on field trips at the daycare where I worked- I volunteered and was able to feel like I could safely transport children. Plus I got to go to the Zoo and COSI- win, win.

Then I married a man who insists on owning large trucks. Luckily, my past experience with large vehicles makes it
less stressful when I am "allowed" to drive his penismobile...

Today, I had to drive the truck to work. As the 11-year old and I got in this morning he said, " you're gonna look wierd driving this truck mom." 

Ok I'll bite. "Why?"

" Because you are a pretty girl".

Well. Unfortunately the 11-year old spent his ride to camp listening to a lecture on sexism, but the reality is-most people don't expect a woman to be driving a truck like that. 

And that's the main reason I like driving it.

I like driving up high and being able to feel taller than everyone else. I like the feel of the hemi when I hit the gas. And I like the rubbernecking that occasionally occurs when people drive by and see a "pretty girl" behind the wheel. One of my favorite moments in the truck was in the middle of winter. I helped tow 2 guys and a Ford out of a snowy ditch with  my Dodge. Should've taken a pic of that...

So today's picture is a reminder to us that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and celebrates the thrill of a Hemi underneath you.

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