Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 174

Wow what a set of summer thunderstorms we had tonight! I was at sand volleyball, and the lightening started just as our game was getting ready to start.

At first they just postponed it, which was really just a marketing ploy to get us to go into the bar and buy beer.

Naturally, it worked.

After the first pitcher, the lightening had stopped and it was just s slow, steady rain. We all sat inside the bar, peering out of the windows at the sand courts that were now miniature lakes and empty.

Except for one court.

Sure enough, there was a little boy about 7 or 8 out there in nothing but his underwear, living it up in the world's largest summer rain puddle. And he wasn't just jumping in it- the soft sand allowed for belly flops and running slide tackles that sent shoots of both water and laughter into the air.

My first reaction was relief that it wasn't my kid out there. My second reaction was to grab my camera and take a picture. Because here was a chance to capture absolute happiness at it's best.

Hopefully most people can remember at least one time in their life when they played outside in the summer rain. If not, find yourself a child (preferably one you know...) and go experience it. There's something both decadent and naughty about it all at the same time- a fun time for kids of all ages.  But remember that if you choose to do it in public, you should preferably be wearing a bra and a non-white outfit unless you look like Cindy Crawford or Thor. Just sayin.

Tonight's pic is grainy, because I couldn't get as close as I wanted due to the rain. But it celebrates the magic of jumping in rain puddles, wherever you may come across them.

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